
Showing posts from April, 2023

Happy Thought for 21 April 2023

Have a Happy Thought:     People are hard at work making sure that more and more people can access what they need – both in the physical world, and in this weird world of the interwebs and computers.   In the physical world (did you know some people call it “meatspace”? that’s just… a little too weird for me), there’s this thing called Universal Design (it has a bunch of names, but we’ll stick with this one for now). It looks at how we design buildings, streets, seats, traffic lights, and more. The idea is if you design a city to work for people that find it hard to navigate, then it makes that city easier for literally everyone.     If you’re thinking “hey I don’t need this, everything works for me right now”, first of all – congratulations, you’re already benefiting from the fact that people have put thought into designing for people who think, move, and are shaped like you! Any time you’re using something adjustable – like moving a car seat forward or back, or adjusting