
 Welcome to the blog Congratulations, you've made it through the week!

The name of this blog was inspired by this brilliant tweet by Rosemary Mosco:

Hey, you. You did it. You made it to the end of this hard week. Some butterflies only live a week as adults. But you just survived an entire adult butterfly lifetime, AND you did it without a single drop of sweet nectar from a flower or an aphid’s butt. Trophy

Since 2018, inspired by that fact, I've been sending random bits of knowledge to an ever-growing group of workmates, friends, family. Every Friday, they get an email that is honestly a grab-bag of strange facts, cute animal photos, or just whatever has grabbed my fancy that week that I just can't wait to share with people. The subject line of that email? Yep, you've guessed it - Congratulations, you've made it through the week. (It's also known as "Eliza's Friday Email" and/or "Happy Thoughts", or possibly "wow is she still sending this thing?!")

But this three-year-long project is coming to at least a temporary end while my partner and I go for a long walk.

Like, long.

Like, 3,000km long.

We're tackling Te Araroa, which is the trail that goes the length of New Zealand.

Until we hit the trail, I'll be sharing my Friday emails here, and I might even put up a few historical ones that I **really** want to share with people.

Once we're on the trail, expect updates to be a bit more... random - it'll depend on wifi and/or mobile data access.

So if you're up for random knowledge, the occasional adorableness, lots of stunning scenery and muddy shoes, this is the blog for you!

Thanks for joining,

~Eliza (and Vaughan)


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