Spring shearing

Eliza writes

Last night we drove to Paritutu to check out the sunset over the Tasman Sea. Truly counting down the sunsets now!

Since Auckland's barbers and hairdressers weren't allowed to work for much of the past five months, we had both gotten a bit shaggy.

Rather than rushing to make appointments in mid December when the restrictions eased, we decided to just wait, continue to look unkempt for family over Christmas, and then get just a final tidy up before going perhaps another 5 months without seeing a haircut.

Afterwards, with both our ears feeling the breeze a bit more, we went for a walk on Vaughan's childhood stomping ground, Fitzroy Beach, for the last time for 5 months.
Tomorrow: Flight at 0630 to Invercargill, for our last day before starting the trail. That's where we'll do the final food shop, in time to start off 2022 at Bluff!


  1. Looking great guys; no point carrying a few kg of hair along with you 😀 I'm sure the nerves will settle down once you start and within a few days the body will find its rhythm. Just enjoy the moment(s). Happy New Year. Have a blast.

  2. I just have to remember you are on NZ time, not Oregon time!


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