And I would walk 500 miles...

February 25
Hamilton Hut to Bealey Hut
KM 2203
Distance: 14km 
Elevation: ascent 681m, descent 841m
Steps: 31,000
Time: 7:40am - 4:00pm

We started off the day in great spirits, knowing we had a beautiful hike in front of us.

Just a 10 minute walk or so from the hut, there was a side trip to a tarn, that was absolutely worth it!
The climb up to the tarn also had some views of the river valley that the Hamilton Hut lies in:
From there, we continued up the Harper River toward Lagoon Saddle.

Now, when I say "up the river", I mean exactly that. Most people (including the other three that stayed at Hamilton Hut last night) take the track. But Vaughan, Linsey and I decided that we would stream bash our way directly up the river. And wow was that fun! 

All the way until we got to a waterfall, and had to climb up a steep slope about 30 metres to rejoin the track. We had lunch soon afterward, with still a couple of kilometers to go to the highest point of today's hike.

We're not sure whether it was the big lunch in the sun, or that we had used up all of our energy streambashing, but the three of us were quite tired, just getting up to the saddle!

The views from the top did give us some energy - how could they not?! In fact, I almost didn't want to keep walking because I had to keep an eye on the trail (rocks, roots, mud all waited for the unsuspecting foot) but the spectacular views kept drawing the eye up. We probably added a half hour to our time, just looking at the Waimakariri and surrounding mountains, as every few steps revealed a new, beautiful perspective.
Also, just at the saddle, we passed 804km, which translates to 500 miles, on the trail. So now you can all sing that Proclaimers song in your heads :P

Much of today was in and out of beech forest, which we are all very happy about. There is just such a pleasant feeling in these forests. And not just metaphoric - the very ground underfoot is soft and springy and wonderful to walk on.

In any case, by the time we got to the hut, we decided to call it a day. There was some chance of us continuing on another few km to get to the road, and stay at a proper hotel; or go a bit further and stay at a campsite. But with the way all of us are feeling, especially our feet, we are quite happy to stay at Bealey Hut.
We're able to post these recent blogs because we are in close proximity to Arthurs Pass and we have some data coverage. But we may be silent for a few more days until we reach Hanmer Springs on around 4th March. We're looking forward to HS because we'll take some RnR time and sort out some failing gear.


  1. When you are silent, I try to guess how far you made it and which hut you'll be staying at. I imagine all your stream crossings are keeping you from getting too warm in the sun. Bub


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