
February 18
Unnamed campsite to Geraldine
KM 2329 ish
Distance: 5km
Elevation: flat
Steps: 7,000
Time: 8:00am - 9:10am

This morning we just had to walk the last couple of KM to the road for a pick up and ride into Geraldine.

The Forest River feeds in to the Rangitata River,  which is not cross able on foot (and is not actually part of the TA). So in to town we go, for rest and resupply, and to divert to a road bridge.

Tomorrow we get a ride back out to KM 2315 (Yes we are skipping about 20km of trail), so we can get to a hut tonight, as it's meant to be rainy and snowy at high altitude (we will not be at high altitude).

It's about 3 days for us to get to the Rakaia River, where we will have to do the same sort of diversion, into Methven. We have all of our supplies so it will be a quick stop, and from there 5 days to Arthur's Pass! So if you don't hear from us for about a week, you can look forward to those two sections of updates all at once :)

Our ride up to the trail isn't until midday, so we get to do a very town thing, and go to a Saturday Farmers' Market in Geraldine before we go! We will have to restrict ourselves to buying just what we can eat there and then...


  1. Thanks for all the detail locating your current position. Between the TA maps and Google maps, I'm pretty sure I know where you are! Sometimes the maps don't seem to agree with each other. Bub

  2. Enjoy the "just what you can eat", hope you're still able to move afterwards.


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