Early start, late start

26 April
Taumaranui to Bennett Rd Campsite
KM 1022.3
Distance: 25.7km
Elevation: ascent 404m; descent 370m
Steps: 38,700
Time: 9:00am - 3:05pm

We were woken up early, at 5:30, by the air raid siren calling the volunteer fire fighters to the station. Which is directly across the road from the Alexander Motel where we stayed.
(View from our motel room balcony)

Despite this wakeup call, knowing we had a relatively short day ahead of us, we were in no hurry to get going. So we dawdled getting up and ready, before heading back to the grocery store to pick up a few things we forgot to buy last night, and then to have a nice sit-down cooked breakfast at the bakery. By the time we made it back to the hotel (which was very nice and recommended for anyone staying in Taumaranui) and finished packing, it was one of the latest starts we've had in quite some time.

Despite that, the low cloud and fog remained for nearly the first whole hour of our walk. We were fairly well bundled up until the sun came out; as soon as we saw our shadows we started to feel the heat. Very soon after that we had to stop to strip off all of the extra layers, and we were in just one layer each.
About an hour later, at the 2-hours-on-the-road mark, which is when we often take a sit-down break anyway, we were delighted to see these signs. Of course we stopped in and bought some ice creams (peanut butter slab bars), and Vaughan had a coffee as well. We're loving the North Island experience!
Soon after lunch, Vaughan found another group of cattle to race down the road - they all followed willingly at a bit of a trot for a good hundred meters or so.
Pretty much the whole day was along this gravel road, but again it was super pleasant to walk along with maybe 10 cars passing us all day, and pretty bucolic scenes around every corner. Including these either self-shearing sheep, or sheep that somehow managed to wrest their way away from their shearers halfway through the job.
We were headed today to the trailhead of the Timber Trail through Pureora Forest Park, which just happens to be on Bennett Road. The local Te Araroa Trust has erected a purpose-built shelter for us to get away from the local sandflies and mosquitoes; and a nice water supply as well.
We've set up our tent just outside the shelter, and are looking forward to an earlier start tomorrow.


  1. Before your next post, I assume you will be about 1000 km left on your journey! And you will have all of May? Also, as you get closer and closer to Aukland, I'm wondering if there are parts of Te Araroa you have already completed? Bub

  2. We may skip some of Auckland to make up time. We've done some of it already.

  3. Good idea to skip ahead - Auckland is lame.


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