Trail Food

24 May
Blackridge Campsite to Makene Rd Campsite
KM 154
Distance: 23km
Elevation: ascent 404m; descent 631m
Steps: 32,000
Time: 8:30am - 2:30pm

A short day ahead means a casual start to the morning. After yesterday's frozen cream cheese episode we were finally able to enjoy our bagels. I'm sure some long-distance walkers would judge us for carrying such unnecessary 'glamour food' weight. We have no regrets.

Shortly after starting out this morning we came across a sign that simply said "Kauri 1944" Presumably it means that the kauri behind the sign were planted then. Making them nearly 80 years old. So, still young!

Many of you have asked how we dry our clothes. Ok, no one has actually asked that, but now you're thinking about it. Packs are versatile objects and here you can see Eliza's being used as a clothesline. Underwear, hankie and socks. Classy!

Coming down out of the kauri forest gave us views of inland Northland. Which is still pretty! How do you do it, Northland?!

A short side trip took us to this large kauri stump. Vaughan is standing in the rotted out centre. This is starting to show how big the adult, old kauri can get. Like California and Dawn Redwoods, the kauri are the forest giants that can live for thousands years and grow to diameters of meters and meters.

After 10 km walking down a gravel road, Te Araroa joins state highway 1 for a few kilometres. As this is the far north end there were fewer vehicles than other times we walked this highway. For us it is a little further than 150km to Cape Reinga. Maybe we should just walk SH1 instead? (Nah!)

We walked past many more paddocks with bulls in them. They seem to have been ever present particularly in the North Island. Almost without fail they are curious about us and stare as we walk past. Sometimes we talk to them. Occassionally they respond. These were a bit lazy, laying down on the job.

No photo sorry, but we passed through Mangamuka. It's well known in TA circles because it's the first food store for a few days and they do hot food such as fish and chips and burgers. We weren't in the mood for that so we just had potato chips, icecream, chocolate bars and lattes. Ahh trail life! In 6 days' time we will no longer be able to eat with such reckless abandon.

After our short day we arrived at this Trail Angel campsite. We got rained on a little bit before arriving, and off and on ever since. There is a tiny shelter that is really just the long drop with a little extra room under the roof, so that may have to be the least hygienic cooking location on the trail (if the rain doesn't let up). We're hoping it's not raining while we try to pack up in the morning... 

Tomorrow looks to be a long, tough, and muddy day, but is really the last climb on the trail. 


  1. I suspect each day this week we will hear about the last _____ (you'll fill in the blank). Enjoy the chips, ice cream, lattes & lots of chocolate bars while you can. Bub (Hmm, I wonder what flavors are in my freezer).


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