Happy thought for 17 June 2022

Have a Happy Thought: 

We love our pets these days. Every once in a while, someone grumpy says that this is a sign of societal collapse. But the truth is that humans have always loved our pets.

Here’s some proof from medieval manuscripts that were illuminated with these Very Good Doggos. 

Wearing a collar:

                                       BnF, Supplément Persan 1111 f.14v 

What’s with this tail?!

                                        BnF, NAL 3241 f.167

Making frenemies with the other animals…

                                        BnF, Latin 18014 f.42v 

And then of course this dog wearing a turtle shell:

Place of origin: Mexico, Colima Date: 200 B.C.-A.D.500 Medium: Burnished ceramic with slip. Source:LACMA. From https://twitter.comarchaeologyart

All of the pictures of dogs above were brought to you by medievalist Dr. Erik Wade https://twitter.com/erik_kaars

The words and numbers under the images are the archive that holds the manuscript this image is from, the manuscript, and the page number.

The Bibliothèque nationale de France Catalogue Général, or BnF General Catalogue, is the online catalogue containing the majority of references and documents conserved on all BnF sites.



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