Te Araroa Hiker's Almanac

While walking, we talked about some of the lessons we learned on the trail. Here they are, distilled for you. 

Once you've made a decision, stick to it (unless it is about to march you off of a cliff...). The back-and-forth will just add an hour to your day.

Don't beat yourself up about yesterday. You can't change the past, so there's no purpose in thinking "what if?". But you can always learn from your past - both good and bad decisions!

Have a long term destination (Cape Reinga) and a short-term destination (tonight's campsite; the next resupply town). Don't worry so much about the in between, it'll take care of itself.

Check the map whenever you're unsure. Better to check more often.

You know what? Just go ahead and check that map again...

Enjoy the scenery along the way! Even when there isn't much of a view.

You need less stuff than you think. Except food and water, always carry a bit extra of these.

Wear comfortable clothes. In layers. In general, dress for the conditions 10 min after you start. By then you'll be a little warmer. Novelty hats are optional.

When you take a break, take your shoes and socks off and let your feet feel the air and the ground beneath.

Trust the trail. It will lead you to the right place. Follow the markers, and stock up on water at the next stream.

Walk your own trail - Your distance, your pace, and even whether to skip that next road section are your own to determine.

Always carry a handkerchief. 

Stop at the patisserie in Albert Town. Have the tart. You've earned it.


Stop to chat with people coming the other way and ask about the trail ahead. Return the favour and let them know about any what lies ahead for them. Also, ask them how they're doing.
Take your eyes off the destination every now and then, look for the beauty at your feet and at the edges of your chosen your path.


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