Happy Thought for 14 October 2022

Have a Happy Thought: 


(If you have a young child at home, you may already know this / remember this fact but)….


Centipedes have 100 legs and Millipedes have 1000 legs, right?

Nah, that’d be too easy.


Both centipedes and millipedes have bodies made up of lots (and lots) of segments. The difference is that centipedes have one pair of legs per segment. Millipedes have two pairs of legs per segment.


In fact, there has never been a recorded sighting of a millipede with more than 1000 legs. The record-holder has around 750.

Well, that was true until last December, when an absolute wonder of the natural world was found in a mine in Western Australia. The species was named Eumillipes Persephone, and this one creature nearly doubled the record.


How many legs does it have, you ask?

One thousand, three hundred and six.


One of the best parts of this story is how the discoverer counted the legs. It’s pretty much exactly how you would do it: “by taking high-resolution images of his millipedes, then he counts the legs manually, over and over, using Adobe Illustrator to mark the segments he’s already accounted for.”


I also love this Figure in the journal article, comparing the “length” of various millipedes, by number of legs:

Numbers in parentheses after species names are the maximum segment count for the taxon. Species with super-elongation present denoted in bold. Millipede silhouettes sized relative to one other. Marek, P.E., Buzatto, B.A., Shear, W.A. et al. The first true millipede—1306 legs long. Sci Rep 11, 23126 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-02447-0.



You also may need to know that people who study millipedes are known as Diplopodologists. You’re welcome for that Scrabble score.


If you want to find out more about this millipede, the discovery of this and other related, super-many-legged species, check out this article in The Atlantic, or go straight to the Scientific Reports journal article describing this species.


Or if you just want to have a moment of zen, watch a millipede walk: https://youtu.be/7PKatD810xg


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