Happy Thought for 21 October 2022

Have a Happy Thought:

Creatures on this planet are far weirder than anything sci-fi writers and CGI artists can dream up. Here’s a few examples (that will, no doubt, inspire both writers and artists):

A peppermint stick insect (Megacrania batesii). As a defense mechanism, it shoots a spray that, to humans, smells like peppermint.

 Image credit: Caitlin Henderson

 Southern Pink Underwing Moth (Phyllodes imperialis smithersi). The caterpillars develop “eye spots” and “teeth” that they can show off when alarmed.


Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)

Credit: (yakonstant/Shutterstock)


 Crinoids (class: Crinoidea). I mean, once you go into the ocean, we know things are going to be weird, but seriously!

A sea lily (Crinoidea) with a commensal crab (Allogalathea elegans). Image: Jeffrey N. Jeffords


A sea lily (Crinoidea) taking advantage of currents to gather plankton. Image: Jeffrey N. Jeffords


In fact, Crinoids are so weird they need an explainer…



An unrelated, but important bonus topic: Bird of the Year 2022 has begun. Voting is open until 5pm on Sunday 30 October (New Zealand time).

The best part about this is the social media frenzy that erupts. From city governments to the Prime Minister to overseas diplomatic posts, everyone picks a contestant to back.

Keep up with the madness here: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23boty2022


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