
Showing posts from February, 2023

Happy Thought for 24 February 2023

Have a Happy Thought:  Winnie the Pooh, the beloved children’s book character, was based on a real bear! Here’s the story, as inscribed on a plaque in the city of Ontario: “On August 24, 1914 Lieutenant Harry Colebourn, V.S., of the 34th Fort Garry Horse & Canadian Army Veterinary Corps, purchased a black bear cub at WHITE RIVER, Ontario, while enroute overseas. He named her WINNIE after his hometown, Winnipeg. WINNIE became the soldiers’ mascot, and was left in the care of the London Zoo on December 9th, 1914, while Lieutenant Colebourn served in France. In 1919, he gave her to the Zoo for permanent keeping where she was watched and loved by many, including author A.A. Milne and his son Christopher.” Winnie accompanied Harry to England ,became the Brigade’s mascot and found a home in the London Zoo. Here, staff said that Winnie was the most popular animal at the zoo and she earned a reputation with her keepers as the most tame and gentle bear the zoo had ever had. (Photo:

Happy Thought for 10 February, 2023

Have a Happy Thought:    Whether you’re stuck in the midst of winter, or you’re bunkering down for yet another drenching storm (checks notes – yep, that covers pretty much everyone on this mailing list) It can be good to have some comfort food ready to hand. Or mouth. Or hand to mouth.   And in case you feel the need to write an article, blog post, or whatever, and want to be absolutely sure you’re writing and spelling according to the Associated Press guidelines (and let’s be honest, that’s the first thing you think about, right?), here’s how to spell some, well, favourites??   Naan Kimchi BLT PB&J Doughnut Fluffernutter (a sandwich made with peanut butter and marshmallow creme usually served on white bread) Image By Fluffernutter_before.jpg: Keiteiderivative work: Hic et nunc - This file was derived from: Fluffernutter before.jpg:, CC BY 2.5,   Horchata Ketchup (sorry, catsup lovers) Meat