Happy Thought for 17 March 2023

Have a Happy Thought: 

You know how the really big, shiny things in the sky are (mostly) stars?

And the biggest things that orbit those stars are (mostly) planets? (sorry, Pluto!)

And the biggest things that orbit those planets are moons?

 What happens if there’s something orbiting a moon? What do we call that?

 The answer is….

 Moon Moons. (sometimes written moonmoon)

I’m not even kidding, that is the official wording used by astronomers!

Ok, sometimes they call them submoons. Or subsatellites.

I know which one I prefer.

If you want the short version explanation about these, you can watch this video from an astronomer, reading a poem he wrote about the paper he wrote with another astronomer, defining moonmoons and when they could exist. The long version explanation is... reading the paper he wrote (linked in the video description)


No pictures for you, this week, since there are no moonmoons known, yet.

         Only Callista (moon of Jupiter), Titan (moon of Saturn), or Iapaeteus (another moon of Saturn) would be capable of having moonmoons – at least, in our solar system.

         We have yet to find evidence of moonmoons around other stars. But there are possibilities! And, given the extent of the universe, as being shown to us by the JWST, those possibilities are nearly endless.


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