Happy Thought for 9 June 2023

Have a Happy Thought: 


For those of us in the southern hemisphere, winter is well and truly taking hold. And the idea of having a fluffy down coat sounds absolutely wonderful.

For those readers in the northern hemisphere, you may be feeling quite the opposite, but you may be able to see these sorts of images in <gasp> real life!


Sometimes you need to snuggle against mum or dad.

The warm glow of a setting sun softly illuminates a Piping Plover parent and its downy chick. Piping Plovers. Photo: William Pully/Audubon Photography Awards


Sometimes you need to snuggle against all of your siblings and friends, too!

As five Common Goldeneyes rest on a lichen-speckled rock, the mother, on the left, keeps one eye open to carefully guard her four chicks, capped in black down and sporting a distinctive white cheek stripe. Common Goldeneyes. Photo: John Kay/Audubon Photography Awards

Just remember that, even in winter, getting out for some exercise is part of your self-care…

A young Canada Goose chick, covered in yellow and white down, stares directly into the camera. Canada Geese. Photo: Shane Kalyn/Audubon Photography Awards


Especially if it’s to go grab a snack!

A yellow and brown fluffy Mallard chick sits on the water, the sole focus of the photographer’s lens. Four other Mallard poofballs float in the foreground, softly blurred. Mallards. Photo: Ronan Nicholson/Audubon Photography Awards


For a few more cute photos, and more explanation of what you’re seeing in each of these, check out the source of these photos:




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