Happy Thought for 13 July 2023

Have a Happy Thought: 

(for those of you wondering why this is coming a day early: Mānawatia a Matariki! – Happy Matariki, the beginning of the new year in the Māori lunar calendar)

Seal young adults, just like human ones, feel the need to strike out on their own, explore their wider surroundings, and find their own place to hang out. Sometimes for food, often to sleep.

Image: A seal pup relaxing at a Te Awanga home in Hawke’s Bay in 2021., GEORGIA-MAY GILBERTSON/STUFF. From https://www.stuff.co.nz/taranaki-daily-news/300915396/expect-unexpected-encounters-during-silly-seal-season--even-in-opunake


Every year around this time, young and solo male kekeno (fur seals) around Aotearoa/New Zealand wander.

A lot.

And quite far distances!


Here are just a few examples, if you’ve missed the headlines about the seal silly season (sometimes called the silly seal season, which is a bit judgmental I think, there's nothing silly about finding a good place to nap!):


In the weeks leading up to 15 June:

  • one fur seal had made it to Hokitika Transfer Station, a three or four kilometre swim from the sea
  • two seals were recently moved off the main road in Whangārei.


22 June:

  • a fur seal swum 16km up a stream from the ocean in Hawkes Bay

Image: A fur seal, coat wet, looks directly at the camera taking its picture as it lays on a grassy bank. Taken by local resident Joseph, https://www.nzherald.co.nz/hawkes-bay-today/news/young-seal-surprises-locals-at-karamu-stream-in-hawkes-bay/CX4CRMCOOVHZNP2AJFGF7YIVJU/


20 June:

Image: A fur seal contemplates a grassy back yard on the other side of a chain-linked fence Photo: Preity Nabi, from https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/493087/seal-s-suburban-adventure-ends-at-auckland-beach


26 June:


8 July:

Image: A fur seal approaches a young fisherman on a wharf. Ari Halpin, 12, with the seal on Salisbury Wharf on Saturday. Photo: Chris Taylor Photography.


12 July:

  • A seal explored central Auckland (Portland Reserve, Remuera)


None of these, however, beat the very adventurous seal that last year wandered 90 km (60 miles in old money) to visit the Hobbiton Movie set near Matamata.


Or of course the seal that made headlines in the Guardian last August by breaking into someone’s home (coming in through the cat flap), whereafter it “traumatises cat and hangs out on couch”


If you do see a silly seal, follow DoC guidance and leave them be, and remember that these animals are “capable and resilient and given time and space, they usually find their way home.”


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