Happy Thought for 7 July 2023

Have a Happy Thought:

You may have been hearing about orca attacking boats in the Mediterranean recently. (Did you know this has been going on, just slightly less frequently, not just since 2020, but there was a spate in 2017,  probably many in between, and, famously (ok a whale not orca), in the 1820’s.) 

No one quite knows why these attacks are happening, but one prominent theory is that… it’s just a fad.

Why would anyone think that orca go through fads, though?

Well, let’s just say that we know about some other things that were once “cool” amongst a group of cetaceans, that we’re pretty sure would now be like wearing jeans under dresses (oh wait, apparently that’s back now, too?):


  • In 1987, just for one brief, amazing summer, a pod of orca followed their matriarch in the fad of wearing dead salmon on their heads. Like hats.1


  • Dolphins off the coast of Western Australia like to put sponges on their noses. It helps keep them safe from sharp rocks and coral. Oh wait, did I mention that the males are apparently too cool for this, and it’s only the females that wear the sponges?2

Picture of a dolphin under water with a sponge covering its nose

The dolphins use basket sponges to stir up fish in sandy channels. Photo credit: Brooke Sargeant


  • Humpback whales songs get popular, spread around the world, and then fall out of fashion.3


  • Orca, again getting into high fashion, swim around with kelp wrapped around their dorsal fins. Humans (relatively unimaginative) call this kelping. We don’t know what orca call it.4

An orca plays with kelp by wrapping it around its dorsal fin above the surface of the water.

An orca kelping in the San Juan Islands. Photo credit: Maxx Kinert.



  1. https://www.iflscience.com/in-1987-orcas-had-a-fashion-of-wearing-a-dead-salmon-as-a-hat-69542
  2. https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16235-dolphin-males-leave-sponging-to-the-females/
  3. https://www.science.org/content/article/whale-pop-songs-spread-across-ocean
  4. https://smea.uw.edu/currents/keeping-up-with-the-cetaceans-the-worlds-real-trendsetters/


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