Happy Thought for 18 August 2023

Have a Happy Thought:

Sometimes, you don’t want to learn* something new on a Friday. Sometimes, you just want to look at pretty pictures.

This one’s for you 😊

All images courtesy of the Audubon Society Photography Awards, you can check out the other nominees and winners. There’s information about where each photo was taken, camera settings and lens information, and little stories by each photographer about their shot or subject.

Baltimore Oriole. Photo: Sandra M. Rothenberg/Audubon Photography Awards

Chinstrap Penguin. Photo: Karen Blackwood/Audubon Photography Awards

Verdin. Photo: Linda Scher/Audubon Photography Awards

Green-winged Teals. Photo: James Fatemi/Audubon Photography Awards

Northern Hawk Owl. Photo: Liron Gertsman/Audubon Photography Awards

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* If you do want to learn something… there are a lot of calls for the Audubon Society to change its name, due to the much-less-than-savoury-character of the person for whom the society is named. Some local chapters are already changing their names. Learn more about that, starting here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audubon#Namesake_controversy


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