Happy Thought for 6 September 2024

Have a Happy Thought:


People can be funny about money, especially in Canada.


For one, the common name for the $1 coin is a “looney”, named so because of the image of a Common Loon (bird) on that coin:

Image: the reverse side of a Canadian dollar coin minted in 2013. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loonie#/media/File:Canadian_Dollar_-_reverse.png



For two, or rather for the $5 bills, “Spocking” bills used to be a thing in Canada. The image of Sir Wilfrid Laurier (the 7th Prime Minister of Canada, for those of you, like me, who need brushing up on your Canadian political history) lends itself nicely to this use. It’s a bit less common now with polymer (plastic-based) notes, although some people still find a way.

Image: three instances of Sir Wilfrid Laurier on the Canadian $5 note, edited by pen to appear like Leonard Nemoy’s Spock from the Original Star Trek. Source: https://mastodon.social/@MeanwhileinCanada@ohai.social/112797697246289965



It got so common, especially right after Nemoy’s death, that the Bank of Canada actually had to ask Canadians to stop doing this!


Luckily for Canucks, it is not illegal to deface currency, so the trend can continue, finding new references as the generations change: 

Image: Laurier with long black hair, now looking like Professor Snape from Harry Potter https://files.mastodon.social/cache/media_attachments/files/112/807/926/314/004/667/original/46e18f120d18c753.png



A quick PSA, for most of my readers:



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