Happy Thought for 20 October 2023

Have a Happy Thought:


Does it annoy anyone else that there is just an absolute proliferation of what seems to be the same competition, just sponsored by a different company?


No? Just me?


Well, in this case I can’t even get angry because every new company or organisation that has an “image of the year” competition just means more amazing photos I get to share with you.


This week, we have the Evident Image of the Year Awards, which used to be Olympus (like the cameras), that mostly seem to do lab equipment?

Whatever, enjoy these incredible close-up, microscopic, or otherwise imaged-for-scientific-purposes-or-with-lab-equipment images:


Nervous system of a juvenile sea star (Patiria miniata) about 1 cm wide. Image: Laurent Formery.




Edelweiss stamens. Image: Jiao Li.




Scales of the wing of the Urania rhipheus moth. Image: Javier Ruperez




Tripos macroceros. A unicellular microalga with three horns. Image: Uriel Ruiz





Cross section of a blue spruce (Picea pungens) branch. Image: Robert





Pistils of dandelion. Image: Liu Ruming





Oh, and if you really like any of the images, you can download hi-resolution images for your desktop or video-meeting. You’re welcome.


To those who are observing it this weekend: Happy Labour Day, enjoy the extra day off work!!



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